Mom Life At It’s Finest

It’s definitely been a minute since I’ve written a blog post!

A nutshell of an update for us Binfords is...
Another child added to the clan, moved back home, new job for the hubby, started a business, bought some land, dreaming up two more business’s, getting involved and loving our new home church, and so thankful for where the Lord has us and the opportunities He’s giving us.

But, that being said, life still comes with its challenges.

Maybe nothing tragic on the scale of life’s challenges...but a recent snapshot of my life came to mind and I feel it’s only appropriate to start back into blogging with a funny story that involves telling embarrassing, but humorous stories on myself :)

Being a mom changes you.

Externally- can I get an amen for all the lost perk to the ladies!
And internally because you love those little boogers more than you knew possible, and you develop these new emotions that inherently come with having children.

I have a always struggled with being emotional.
For me that looks like a constant flow of emotions and learning everyday how to not give into letting my emotions control my actions.
When you are a parent, learning to control your emotions just comes with the job.
Sometimes we are keeping ourselves from screaming from frustration because we JUST told our child fifty thousand times not to do something, and they did it anyway.
Or, in my case, I am trying to keep from sobbing because my child just broke my new glass cake display, and the crying really shouldn’t be coming from the 28 year old...

I was sitting in the living room, when Wesley came to me and asked if he could put his lightning mcqueen cars back on top of the leftover birthday cake I had made him (we used them as decoration for his CARS themed birthday cake a few days prior).
My mind immediately went to the reality that my new cake display was on top of our refrigerator, and that sounded like a dangerous idea.
(I was slightly more concerned about my cake display than my son falling in the moment, lets be honest 🙄)
So, naturally I told him no.
(multiple times, for the record)

A few minutes went by, and, without me knowing, he had slipped into the kitchen.

Then, CRASH!

Yep, there goes my new cake display.

I remember, prior to the break, thinking to myself, “I really should go move that cake, so he doesn’t try to climb up there”.

Too late.
Always fight laziness and go with those mom instincts!

I ran into the kitchen and instantly the tears started rolling...

But not from Wesley..

I seriously lost it. Not necessarily in anger, but in total frustration and that ughhhh why do kids have to ruin everything emotional moment.

I just kept crying as I swept up my adorable new (somewhat expensive) cake display.

Meanwhile, Wesley is completely confused.
He kept coming up to me and telling me, “ it’s going to be ok mom...I’m sorry I broke it mom...can you please stop crying mom?...”

Then I found myself crying for a new reason, while hugging my three year old because he was being so sweet.

What?!?! Seriously, what is wrong with me!

I pulled myself together not long after the tragic incident, and took a moment to explain to Wesley that he had disobeyed and sometimes when he disobeys, it makes people sad.

Poor dude will probably never go near a cake display ever again! 

Needless to say, parenting has been my greatest joy and greatest challenge.
I am genuinely loving it and so thankful for the gift of children,
but sometimes, you have a long week, and you cry over a broken dish.

Yep, its ok.
We’re all a little broken in need of fixing.

Thanking the Lord that His mercies are new every day!



  1. Oh Jess. I love your honesty and transparency in this story. Oh how I remember these days! And NOW I'm a Gramma! But the memories of my kids' younger days and the gamut of emotions involved is still so real. <3

    1. This is Beverley, by the way. I just noticed it posted me as "Unknown" so I wasn't sure if you would know it was me.

    2. Thank you! It's definitely never dull around here with toddlers!


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