Baby #3!

 It took us awhile to be “ready” for the idea of a third baby. We’ve always wanted more than two, but having Wesley and Abby so close, made for a busy few years, and we just wanted to enjoy them before we added another. Baby fever hit about the time my two sisters had their babies last summer, so we decided to start trying early August. 

By the grace of God, we’ve always been able to get pregnant on the first try. So we had a May baby all planned out, before the summer heat hit in Oxbow, and we were so excited to start trying. 

The first month passed by, and I got my period right when I was supposed to - no baby. I remember being pretty shocked, which I know sounds ridiculous, but even my sisters and mom were shocked because we have always got pregnant right away. I was bummed, but tried to shake it off, and remember that Gods timing is best. September rolled around, and it was about 4 or 5 days before my period was supposed to start and I was completely convinced I was pregnant. I had multiple “symptoms” and am incredibly impatient when it comes to taking a pregnancy test, so I took one that morning. 

It was negative right at first, so I pushed it away and hopped in the shower, trying to shrug off the disappointment. About 20 mins later, I glanced at it one last time before tossing it in the garbage, and there was a second faint line! I must have held it up to the light at 100 different angles and positions, making sure I wasn’t was before my missed period after all, so there was a chance I was seeing things! Later that day, I happen to be with my sister Maddison, so naturally I brought the test to get her opinion...she agreed that it was super faint, but there definitely was a second line. 

Flash forward to later that evening, after we had put the kids down for bed, Tim was in the shower so I snuck into the bathroom and laid the test on the counter to surprise him. In my my mind , it was going to be so romantic for him to find it and he would be thrilled like I was...instead, when he saw it, he said “oh, is that positive” which I looked at him, less than thrilled at his lack of excitement, and replied, “yeah babe, its positive.”  He then proceeded to be super skeptical because the line was so faint, and he knew it was before my missed period. Of course at this point, I’m completely appalled that he ruined the romance of the announcement, and instead he thinks I’m crazy! In total emotion I responded to him rudely and called him a jerk for ruining it all. To which he responded “well, if you’re emotions say anything about whether or not you’re pregnant, you definitely are!” He thought that comment might make me laugh and fix the moment, but of course I was too far gone at this point and it did not go over well๐Ÿ˜‚ Tim and I honestly do not argue often, but this miscommunication left us miffed at each other for a couple days (if we’re being completely honest, me miffed more than him). 

Now, as a disclaimer, before you think Tim was being completely rude, he in fact was RIGHT! And later that week we decided that we simply miscommunicated, and my expectations of “romance” and the way I intended it to go down, was not really fair to him. I took another pregnancy test two days later and it was negative at first again, but 15 minutes later, that darn faint second line appeared again! Feeling somewhat justified, I set it aside to show Tim that night. But, before I got the chance to show him, I started my period....

I concluded this about my false positive pregnancy tests...after googling (the most obvious way to solve all your problems of course ha) - A pregnancy test is most accurate within the allotted time frame that the box informs you (duh, right?). So, usually within two minutes, you are supposed to have a positive test if you are in fact pregnant. Google then informed me that if you wait more than 10-15 minutes and receive a positive, it is most likely an evaporation line from sitting too long, and is in fact a false positive. This happen to me TWICE, and google was right. It was an evaporation line on both, that made the second line appear after sitting for too long...

Ohhh, the humility it took to confess this to Tim ๐Ÿ˜‚ He was incredibly gracious to me, as always, and didn’t rub it in my face at all that he was right all along! We had a good laugh and then Tim proceeded to give me a sweet pep talk that God’s timing for a baby is perfect, and I needed to sit back, relax and just trust Him. I took his advice and did my best to take my mind off of getting pregnant. 

The following month, we were four days into elk season and I was extremely exhausted every evening from hiking my butt off every day in the mountains, but didn’t think much of it. I was due to start my period on November 1st, so naturally, the day prior (I’m seriously so impatient), I woke up at our usual early hour to pack my lunch for a day of hunting, and decided I would take a test - just for kicks and giggles. I didn’t feel pregnant, and I fully expected it to be negative since the prior two months had been. I told Tim I was going to take a test, he smirked at me, knowing it was still a bit early, but encouraged me to go for it. 

Two lines, immediately

I giggled to myself in the bathroom and proceeded to walk to Tim with a smile. 

“There’s a baby in there for real this time!” 

It wasn’t a crazy romantic experience, or even a major surprise to him. But it sure was special, and exciting in its own way. We were thrilled, and incredibly thankful to God for another opportunity to raise a gift from Him. 

Little did I know that just a couple week later I would be the most sick I’ve ever been in a pregnancy, and spend five weeks laying on the couch....but we are still thrilled, and so ready to meet baby Binford #3! 

Took my positive pregnancy test that morning on my hunt to show my family ๐Ÿ’“


  1. Very sweet story. Praying for God's plan for you and your family's good. Blessings! ๐Ÿ˜‡

  2. Very sweet story. Praying for God's plan for you and your family's good. Blessings! ๐Ÿ˜‡


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